
Browse Asian Franchises by Area Requirements

How big is your premise? Starting Franchise Asia has sort out the best franchise businesses in India as per your premises area. From franchise business from small premises of 100-200 square feet to larger ventures on acres of land, we have something in store for all kinds of investors and entrepreneurs!

Find Asian Franchise Businesses by Area Requirements

Kubiq Kitchen Retail Franchise Opportunity in Malaysia: Investments, requirements, contact details

By Spider Computech on
Kubiq franchise MalaysiaStart your own retail stores in Malaysia by opening a Kubiq franchise a leading and profitable kitchen cabinet manufacturer in Malaysia. Kubiq is a subsidiary of Signature International Berhad, a public-listed company behind the well-known SignatureKitchen brand. Kubiq started its kitchen retail service from 2009 and to date, it has about 22 retail outlets in Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore. If you want to become a Kubiq dealer this reading might help you to know about investments, requirements, application process and more.

Starting Potato Corner franchise in Philippines: Investment costs, requirements, expected profit, contact details

By Spider Computech on
Potato Corner FranchiseIf you think starting a fast food franchise is too expensive for you, then why not try to take up a french fries franchise as a business to make it a source of income? One such good option is opening a Potato Corner franchise which is quite beneficial that will guarantee a secure investment.

Kerrimo franchise in Philippines: Investment costs, requirements, application process

By Spider Computech on
Kerrimo LogoStarting Kerrimo franchise is more like a ready to start or very easy to manage food cart franchise in the Philippines. With over 100 branches in the Philippines, Kerrimo offers an innovative way to enjoy food and drinks in one single cup. Read on to know more about how to franchise Kerrimo, investments, application procedure, requirement, expected profit and other details.

Zagu franchise in Philippines: How to get Zagu Pearl Shake dealership, investments, requirements, expected profit?

By Spider Computech on
Zagu franchiseIf you are looking for a Pearl shake business in the Philippines, Zagu franchise is one the best option. Zagu Pearl Shake dealership is a royalty-free franchise opportunity. Sounds interesting? Read on further to know in detail about how to get Zagu pearl shake dealership in Philippines, investment package for Zagu franchise, the expected profit, requirements and more.

Livingwater Refilling Station Franchise in Philippines: Investment costs, requirements, expected ROI, application process

By Spider Computech on
Living Water Refilling Station LogoStarting Livingwater refilling station is potentially a lucrative option to invest. Water refilling station franchise has become very popular with the rise of health awareness among the people. Livingwater System Inc., is the leading water refilling station franchise in the Philippines. Let us see in detail about Livingwater System franchise, investments required, franchise fees, requirements, the expected profit, application procedure, contact details and more.

Daily Fresh Foods Franchise in Malaysia: Investment costs, requirements, application process, contact details

By Spider Computech on
Daily Fresh Foods Franchise MalaysiaDo you want to open Daily fresh foods franchise in Malaysia? Daily Fresh Foods started its operation in 1997. Since inception, Daily Fresh has come a long way to emerge as one of the fastest growing snack food franchise in Malaysia. Over a period of time, Daily Fresh Foods has built a reputation not only in Malaysia but across the globe having more than 800 Daily fresh outlets and 1000 licensing selling points worldwide. Here, let's see how to open a Daily Fresh Food franchise in Malaysia as well as in other countries, franchise requirements, Daily fresh investments, franchise fees, expected profit and other details. Keep reading!

How to open Nelson's franchise in Malaysia: Investment costs, application process, contact details

By Spider Computech on
Nelsons Malaysia franchise logoOpening Nelson's franchise in Malaysia is one of the best for new entrepreneurs who dream of owning a franchise business with low capital investment. Nelson's franchise began with the corn-in-a-cup concept and today it is a successful homegrown brand that has established itself as a leader in the corn & snack food franchise in Malaysia. The first Nelson's Corn in Cup franchise was launched in Penang in 1995 and today Nelson's franchise operates more than 1000 outlets in 17 countries including the Middle East, Egypt, China, Vietnam, Turkey, Brunei, Indonesia and so on.
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